Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Monday!! Well Actually It's Tuesday Diguised as a Monday

Today is Tuesday. I know it is, the Calendar tells me so.  But it sure felt like a Monday today.

I woke up tired.  I got to school later than i like to.  My students didn't feel like listening.  I guess i have to crack the whip tomorrow.  No i'm not going to whip my students.  I will go over the rules and procedures of our classroom with them.  I will make them practice and repeat what they should be doing without thought or fan fare.

Their class room seats are going to get moved, as well as they are getting assigned seats in Chapel.

Today I had to make them lose some time at recess to finish up work they wouldn't stop playing around long enough to complete during class.  If they play during lessons, they'll do lessons during recess.    I may sound like the "mean" teacher.  But if they follow the rules and follow directions during class, they'll get recess before lunch, free time before rest time, and playtime while waiting for parents to pick them up. 

Now is tomorrow Tuesday or Wednesday? (please be Wednesday)

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