Monday, September 20, 2010

Not My Typical Monday Morning

It started off like any other Monday morning.  I got up late, rushed to get ready, left my lunch at home, managed to get to work on time but still felt like i was rushing.  Got my students got back to the classroom and had them draw while i did lunch count and some individual testing for report cards.

And then my morning changed....

One little girl, i'll use her Initials C.M., came up to me and told me she drew a picture for her daddy.  I told her that was sweet.  She told me it was of her daddy getting out of the shower.

To which my response was, "What?"

C.M - "I drew a picture of my daddy getting out of the shower"

And on closer inspection I could see, yes that's exactly what she drew.  She drew her father naked.  And while it was closer to a Picasso than a DaVinci in that the testicles were placed next to the penis, all the anatomical body parts were present in her picture.

I took the picture, and told her I couldn't let her take it home with her that it wasn't appropriate to either be drawing at school or anywhere, or to be given to her father like she wants to do.  I told her she shouldn't draw naked people that those are private areas and to find something else to draw or color.  I did send a note home to her parents so that they are aware that she is noticing such things and that maybe they'll be more mindful of where she is when daddy gets out of the shower.

Needless to say, today was not my typical Monday.

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