Friday, December 23, 2011

Flying with Soldiers

Everyone has see them as they go through the airports.  The soldiers, going home, leaving to their new assignment.  If you're lucky you get to talk with them, you get to thank them for what they're doing.

Alayna and I got to fly with them last night.  There was about 5 of them on our plane, only two of which i really got to talk to.  The one never gave his name, the other one gave two different names (he was probably too drunk to know what his own name was, he struggled with the names of everyone around him).

One of the 5 sat way in the back, wisely away from the three that sat near me.  One of those three fell asleep.  The 5th one sat about 6 rows infront of me.  He didn't talk much, he was too busy making out with the girl he'd met while boarding the plane.

It was to say, one of the more amusing flights i have ever been on.  The two soldiers and another 4 of us talked and joked around.  I've never laughed so hard on plane ride before.  The down side to riding with these soldiers was that they kept forget there was a young child there and well lets just say it'll be "fun" if Alayna uses any of their words at church or anywhere else for that matter.

So to those soldiers -- Thank You!  For what you do for our country and for the most entertaining flight i've ever been on.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thank you to ALL who helped that poor dog

Last night a beautiful orange, white and brown, walker hound showed up in our backyard.
He was a friendly dog with a cheerful disposition.  But one look at him and you could tell he'd had a hard life.  He was skin and bones, like some horror story they show you on TV, he was dirty, had fleas and was missing an eye.

When my step mom went outside to give him a bit of food and some water, he waged his tail, if he could have, he would have smiled.

We called animal control, they won't pick them up unless they're vicious.  We posted stuff on facebook to find someone who might know someone who rescues dogs in distress.  I even called my pastor but he didn't know what else to do.

My brother's girlfriend refused to give up on this dog and she got my bother Tyler to make a series of phone calls our local SPCA and our local Sheriffs office.

They said they don't rescue strays but if the animal is vicious or in distress they'd come and get it.  Tyler discribed the dog to them and they said they'd pick it up.

While waiting for them to come get the dog, my brother's girlfriend, Kenley, made a call to the ASPCA, who said that once the dog was picked up they would send money for his vet bill.
According to the SPCA the dog is at the vet  getting repaired (eye stitched up) and looked over, and we will find out more later this evening.

Thank you to everyone who has helped this sweet, but abused dog.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where's Dick?

So today a little boy in my group at the daycare i'm working at came up to me with a puzzle i'd given them to entertain themselves with during quiet time (little kids who are on the other side of the divider are napping) and he tells me that he likes the puzzle, and wants to do it, but can't read.

The puzzle, i should explain,  is a picture with a list of things to find in the picture.  Not difficult but does require some reading skills.

I told him he could work with another boy who can read if they will whisper only and not talk.  He said they would and joined the other child to work on the puzzle.

A few minutes later that same little boy comes back to me, "Where's dick? I can't find dick."

I didn't remember any names of people on the list so i asked him "what are you looking for? "

He goes "Dick! see (pointing to the word in the list) this word right here"

"Oh!!" I replied after reading the word, "You're looking for a dUck"

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Week... I think i'm just going back to bed....

It has been not one of "those" days, but one of "those" weeks.

Saturday Night / Sunday Morning we lost an hour when we sprang ahead one hour on our clocks.  I want to blame that for my week but it's not the only thing pushing me ever closer to a small padded room.

From Sunday to Wednesday Night I slept on average 2 hours a night.  Wednesday night was the topper when after worship at church i got suddenly dizzy and sick ( i did make it to the bathroom in time).  I went home and slept till my alarm went off the next morning.

School hasn't been much better.

Monday felt like Monday, Tuesday felt like Monday.  The kids, while not "bad", would hear but not listening to directions, ALL week long, forgetting the rules that haven't changed since the beginning of the year.  My class isn't the only one suddenly having this problem.  More than one occasion everything has been stopped and my kids have had a time out (heads down on desk, mouth shut, not a sound allowed).

By Wednesday I'd heard "miss weller!!!!" so often i told the kids i was going to change my name because i'm sick of hearing my current one.  To which one little girl asked "what are you going to change it to?"

Tomorrow we take a field trip to see Elmo live.  The kids are excited and that's great, but after this week i'm not sure i can stomach 90 minutes of elmo's shrill little voice, surrounded by how many hundred gushing screaming kids.

Anyways it's bedtime,  If sleep favors me tonight I may make it through tomorrow no straight jacket required.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



This has been a vomit filled week for me.

Sunday afternoon my daughter ate a yellow crayon and brought it back up.

Sunday evening she ate dinner and brought that up on me, i had to call my dad to come help me i needed someone to keep my daughter still so i could clean myself up before i cleaned up her and the puddle she left of the floor.

Monday morning she spit up in the car on the way to day care.

Today I got to experience another episode of a child getting sick.  It wasn't my child.  It was one of my students.  which has to make it a thousand time worse.

Him throwing up at rest time wasn't that bad.  I couldn't have managed passed the smell and gotten it cleaned up without too much of a problem if it wasn't for the other students...

"Miss Weller, what did he eat to make it look like that?"

"miss weller, when --h-- threw up it sounded like this (gross gagging sound inserted here)"

"Why is it chunky?"

and the best one came from the little boy who got sick

"I'm sorry, i got sick in preschool too, but it was pink"

The smell is in my house, the smell is in my car, and now it's in my classroom.  There isn't enough Febreze in the world to get this smell out of my nose.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wal~Mart Never Ceases to Surprise Me

I thought I'd heard EVERYTHING during the 3 years I worked at Wal~Mart.  I was wrong.  Tonight took the cake.

I'd made a quick stop for some cold medicine (for myself) and for what i'll need for Alayna's and my classes Valentine's Day Party.  While picking out a gift for Alayna's teacher i knocked something off the shelf and was afraid it was going to break so i put my leg out to let it hit and roll down.  To my amazement it worked.

This guy in the isle with me picked it up.  I said "i work so hard to keep her from grabbing stuff off the shelves and then I go and knock something off".  He chuckled and said he had six kids. Of course my reaction was "wow".  He goes asked how old Alayna was and I told him.  He then told me he had two girls and two sets of twin boys.

He continues by saying that his twin sons were all roughly the same age.  His wife and her best friend were pregnant at the same time, and then added "but that was their fault". I'm done shopping now, have a nice day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training - Day 2

Day 1 was not that bad.  Alayna went potty in the potty,  she was dry all morning. Wet during nap and even pooped in the potty in the afternoon.

Day 2 has not been as successful.  Alayna told me AFTER she pooped in her panties today, but she did pee in the potty late this morning.

Alayna is only almost 18months old, but i knwo i need to set high expectations for her, she'll only achieve was i expect of her, so if i think she'll fail at it at this time then that's what she'll do.

I know my big girl can go potty like a big girl, but it is nothing shy of an adventure.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Round and Round I Go

I'm about to go crazy....

When i moved to Louisiana from Pennsylvania i tried to get my registration transfered over, then i didn't have the money to do it so i put it off.

the reason i didn't do it when i had the money at first was because i was missing a piece of paper.  The piece of paper that says i paid my initial sales tax on my vehicle when i registered it in the first place.

When i bought my car, i lived in PA, but i bought my car in OH, and then registered it and paid the taxes in PA.  so purchase paperwork and sales tax paperwork were not together.  I can't find my sales tax paper.

I emailed the Pennsylvania department of transportation (PennDOT),  they are bound by law to not disclose sale tax information so i was redirected to the department of revenue.  Who told me i need to contact penndot.  AAAAHHHHHH

I explained to the nice, clueless,woman that they said they were NOT ALLOWED to help me, and that they (penndot) had given me their information.  So she transfered me to an agent. and I left a message on his voicemail....

He called me back "i'm not sure why they directed you to me... I deal with estate taxes and wills... but here is the number to the department of motor vehicle sales tax"

REALLY?!?  It took three people before they figured out that THAT might be who i need to contact?  i would think PennDOT would know of the existance of that department, thankfully the man at the department of revenue in the office of estate taxes knew that my question regarding proof of my motor vehicle sales tax paid should be directed to the department of motor vehicle sales tax... WOW what a concept!!!

At least i have a direction to go in now

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Have Not Yet Reached That Age... or maybe i have....

There is an age at which adults need to realize and accept that they are no longer teens. That their bodies have more rule on them than they have on their bodies. 

Today my students got to go on a field trip to Skate Heaven, Roller Skate Rink.  And they begged to come roller skating with them.  I was good, really good at roller skating in highschool.  But it's been a good 9 or 10 years since i last put on a pair of roller skates.  But I gave it a shot.

I can still roller skate.  And i still do decently well.  I got a few kids of mine going at a decent pass on their own, and i had a good time and a good work out.

And then I learned how much more it hurts to fall when you're older.

So it was time to get back on the bus and return to school.  I got one of my students off the rink and went to check on her older sister who'd just fallen.  After she was up on her feet again i circled around to leave the rink and help my students get their skates off and turned back in.

One of the "Refs", those employed by the rink to keep watch over the rink, in the rink, and I collided.  He didn't realize i was exiting the rink and tried to cut between the exit and myself.  I couldn't stop, neither could he.

He hit hard.  I heard him lose his breath. I didn't hit as hard as he did, but i did hit my elbow off of his knee.  I have a nice lump and bruise on my elbow.


But i had fun and so did my students

Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello, My name is Rhiannon, and I suffer from arachnophobia.


I'm pathetic when it comes to spiders.  I get freaked out by pictures of spiders.

My grandmother likes to tell the story of when i was a teenager, freaking out over a spider in the shower.  I screamed as though i was being killed, hit my leg off the faucet, bent the faucet.  Grandma couldn't find the spider even with me pointing at it.  It was small, and was the same color as the wall.

In highschool I had a teacher who had a pet tarantula in his classroom.  I was less than fond of it.  My teacher wanted to show me that they were harmless so he got it from it's tank and stood next to me with it on HIS hand.  I shook and cried.  When the spider escaped from its tank, my teacher told me he'd taken it home while it molted.  when it showed up in the tank a few weeks later, he THEN informed me that it had been loose in the classroom.

I asked him what he would have done had it crawled up by me during class.  His response? "Probably scrape you off the ceiling".

So flash forward to today...

One of my students brought a GIANT remote controlled spider to school today.

I knew it was there, he was good about it.  Only got it out to play at recess

I was watching the play ground, not the ground.

I feel something touch my ankle and.....


I screamed, jumped, ran

He laughed, fell on the ground, laughing to hard to even stand back up.

Then he took to chasing girl in my class around with it.  After that the spider was forced to be a captive to his book-sack.

I hope he enjoyed himself.  I'm afraid I'm going to have nightmares.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is It A Full Moon? Because the Crazies are Out.

This morning, as i sat and waited for a traffic light to turn green, I noticed a large cross at the corner across the street.  In the south, crosses in someone's front yard isn't that uncommon.  It is after all part of the Bible Belt.  What got my attention was that the cross had never been THERE before, and there was a street evangelist standing in front of the cross.

I've been involved in street evangelism (when i was a teenager - something we did at church camp), i can tell you, that standing by  a 4 lane highway at an intersection with a two lane high way and jumping out at the cars, screaming and waving a Bible, is NOT an effective way to bring people to God.

It is, however, an effective way to get hit by a car.  Or carried off in a straight jacket.

I mentioned this to one of my co-workers at work.  She replied, "we passed by there this morning, my daughter kept asking me; ' mommy why is that guy yelling at us?'"

I wonder if he got arrested, i think you might need a permit to be crazy on the side of the road...

My other question is.... How did he get that 6ft+ cross to the street corner?