Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is It A Full Moon? Because the Crazies are Out.

This morning, as i sat and waited for a traffic light to turn green, I noticed a large cross at the corner across the street.  In the south, crosses in someone's front yard isn't that uncommon.  It is after all part of the Bible Belt.  What got my attention was that the cross had never been THERE before, and there was a street evangelist standing in front of the cross.

I've been involved in street evangelism (when i was a teenager - something we did at church camp), i can tell you, that standing by  a 4 lane highway at an intersection with a two lane high way and jumping out at the cars, screaming and waving a Bible, is NOT an effective way to bring people to God.

It is, however, an effective way to get hit by a car.  Or carried off in a straight jacket.

I mentioned this to one of my co-workers at work.  She replied, "we passed by there this morning, my daughter kept asking me; ' mommy why is that guy yelling at us?'"

I wonder if he got arrested, i think you might need a permit to be crazy on the side of the road...

My other question is.... How did he get that 6ft+ cross to the street corner?

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