Friday, October 8, 2010

Stare... Don't Help

So after taking my daughter to the doctor i was heading to take my paper work in for child care assistance and saw a car in a field at the side of the road.  here's the thing. the field was after a deep drop off and climbing up the side of the embankment was a teenage boy about 17 years old.  clearly shaken up by whatever had just happened.  I turned around.  While making the turn around i watched many cars slow down and stare at the young man.  They craned their necks to see his car, but no one stopped to help.

The young man had fallen asleep at the wheel, hit a telephone pole, and went off the road and down the embankment.

What did the young man need?  He needed to borrow a cell phone to call his father.

I've thought about calling the number back that he called on my phone to see how he's doing, i had to get going, though i wish i had stayed til his father appeared.

I'm sickened by all the people who slowed and stared but never stopped to help.  What if he'd been seriously injured?  Why don't we help each other more?

1 comment:

  1. Cudos to you sweetheart. And if God is laying it on your heart to call, then be obedient to His prodding. Love Ya, Aunt Barb
