Thursday, August 26, 2010

They Get It.... Sort Of

I teach kindergarten at a private christian school just outside of Baton Rouge Louisiana.  My students are very advanced academically as well as very well behaved.  But being four, five, and six years old they still need to learn what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. 

 We have been learning that we keep our hands and feet to ourselves.  It isn't nice to hit, punch, kick, slap, or elbow another child (I said they were well behaved, not saints).

I realized today that they are sort of getting it.  We are doing a social studies unit on community helpers.  Today we discussed what a Pastor does.  As part of the curriculum you have the children brainstorm ways that they can help their pastor (ie. praying for him, helping keep the church clean, helping to welcome new members as well as being good listeners during service).

The first response i received when I asked my students how they can help their pastor, one little boy blurted out "DON'T PUNCH HIM".

Yeah, I guess that would help....


  1. Hahahahahahahaha! Good luck keeping a straight face with that kind of a crowd!

  2. That's funny! Kids are just too cute!

  3. :) Yes, very important NOT to punch the pastor!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
