Monday, August 30, 2010

I Am Thankful Monday Only Comes Once A Week

My morning started out good.  I got up on time, Alayna didn't fight me when she was getting dressed this morning.  I actually remembered to take my lunch with me to school,  Alayna was at daycare by 7:15, I was at the school by 7:30.  Then I got busy working on some things and now I'm running late to pick up my students from chapel. And I can now see that this is definitely a MONDAY!

My students were extra chatty today, a few were cranky from the weekend, and their lack of a bedtime.  And one student surprised me most of all.

J.T. - "Miss Weller, I have something in my ear."

Me - "What's in your ear?"

J.T. - shrugs

Me - "Come here let me look.  Why did you put tissue paper in your ear? Come with me we'll see if Miss Kelly or Miss Nicole has something to get that out with, I know I don't"

Thankfully Miss Nicole has fingernails and it wasn't too far in (just far enough he couldn't get it back out himself).

Me (to the class) - "Do NOT stick random objects in your ears or nose, they could get stuck"

I know I shouldn't be surprised that I had to make this statement to my class of 5 year old's, but it still topped my Monday.

Lets hope Tuesday is a better day.  lol

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Can't Help But Be Happy

I really don't know how to even begin the joy that i have felt in the last two years.

In December of 2008 I found myself single and pregnant.  My then boyfriend's response to me telling him I was pregnant was to break up with me.  I was scared.  I wasn't sure I was ready to be a parent because I was still in college.  I was alone, or so I thought. And was terrified my family and church family up home would be upset with me.

I wasn't alone at all though.  My family and my church family welcomed me and my daughter with open arms.  They were supportive of me during my pregnancy and as well after her birth.  What at one point was the most frightening thing I ever faced, became the greatest blessing God has ever given me.  Seeing her happy and growing well makes every struggle and sacrifice worth it.

But God's blessing haven't stopped there.  In February I met my biological father (a longer story that I may one day share for those who don't all ready know it), a DNA test in March confirmed it, and in May we met in person officially.  My sister-in-law gave me a magazine where i found an add for enrolling students in a private school down here.

I sent them my resume, and am now teaching Kindergarten full time.  In July they contacted me, by August 1rst I was in Louisiana.

Today the last stone fell into place.  Within a week of being down here i found a church I felt comfortable in. Today I became a member of Faith Baptist Church.  I have my Daughter, the missing part of my family, a decent job in a field I've worked for years to get into, and a great church where I know i can grow and serve, as well as see my daughter grow up.  I hope that one day she will fully understand what I believe, and why it is so important to me. I hope that one day she will see how gracious the hand of God was to us before she was born and following her birth. 

A child should have both parents, but that doesn't always happen.  All I can do, is do my best, and let God take care of the rest.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

They Get It.... Sort Of

I teach kindergarten at a private christian school just outside of Baton Rouge Louisiana.  My students are very advanced academically as well as very well behaved.  But being four, five, and six years old they still need to learn what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. 

 We have been learning that we keep our hands and feet to ourselves.  It isn't nice to hit, punch, kick, slap, or elbow another child (I said they were well behaved, not saints).

I realized today that they are sort of getting it.  We are doing a social studies unit on community helpers.  Today we discussed what a Pastor does.  As part of the curriculum you have the children brainstorm ways that they can help their pastor (ie. praying for him, helping keep the church clean, helping to welcome new members as well as being good listeners during service).

The first response i received when I asked my students how they can help their pastor, one little boy blurted out "DON'T PUNCH HIM".

Yeah, I guess that would help....