Friday, March 18, 2011

My Week... I think i'm just going back to bed....

It has been not one of "those" days, but one of "those" weeks.

Saturday Night / Sunday Morning we lost an hour when we sprang ahead one hour on our clocks.  I want to blame that for my week but it's not the only thing pushing me ever closer to a small padded room.

From Sunday to Wednesday Night I slept on average 2 hours a night.  Wednesday night was the topper when after worship at church i got suddenly dizzy and sick ( i did make it to the bathroom in time).  I went home and slept till my alarm went off the next morning.

School hasn't been much better.

Monday felt like Monday, Tuesday felt like Monday.  The kids, while not "bad", would hear but not listening to directions, ALL week long, forgetting the rules that haven't changed since the beginning of the year.  My class isn't the only one suddenly having this problem.  More than one occasion everything has been stopped and my kids have had a time out (heads down on desk, mouth shut, not a sound allowed).

By Wednesday I'd heard "miss weller!!!!" so often i told the kids i was going to change my name because i'm sick of hearing my current one.  To which one little girl asked "what are you going to change it to?"

Tomorrow we take a field trip to see Elmo live.  The kids are excited and that's great, but after this week i'm not sure i can stomach 90 minutes of elmo's shrill little voice, surrounded by how many hundred gushing screaming kids.

Anyways it's bedtime,  If sleep favors me tonight I may make it through tomorrow no straight jacket required.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



This has been a vomit filled week for me.

Sunday afternoon my daughter ate a yellow crayon and brought it back up.

Sunday evening she ate dinner and brought that up on me, i had to call my dad to come help me i needed someone to keep my daughter still so i could clean myself up before i cleaned up her and the puddle she left of the floor.

Monday morning she spit up in the car on the way to day care.

Today I got to experience another episode of a child getting sick.  It wasn't my child.  It was one of my students.  which has to make it a thousand time worse.

Him throwing up at rest time wasn't that bad.  I couldn't have managed passed the smell and gotten it cleaned up without too much of a problem if it wasn't for the other students...

"Miss Weller, what did he eat to make it look like that?"

"miss weller, when --h-- threw up it sounded like this (gross gagging sound inserted here)"

"Why is it chunky?"

and the best one came from the little boy who got sick

"I'm sorry, i got sick in preschool too, but it was pink"

The smell is in my house, the smell is in my car, and now it's in my classroom.  There isn't enough Febreze in the world to get this smell out of my nose.