Thursday, August 30, 2012

Come Like A Little Child

I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
~ Mark 10:15 

 I find it amazing that while I'm trying to teach my daughter about God, and the importance of prayer,  she is opening my eyes to things in my faith that I have taken for granted.

I pray, every day, sometimes multiple times a day, but praying with my daughter tonight opened my eyes to how much i take for granted in my life.  How much I have that I don't appreciate.

Tonight my daughter prayed and thanked God for various members of her family, then she thanked God for her friends and family in general. Then she thanked God for her mommy's hair, eyes, and belly.  Then she thanked God for her bed, and my bed, and the door, and the bedroom door, and her fish lamp, and her hot air balloon decoration.  Then it was my turn to pray.

I begin and Alayna goes

"Wait! Wait! I forgot something.....' and God thank you for my roller skates'  okay mommy your turn"

How do you compete with that?  you don't, i just stared at my daughter in awe of her faith.  It may seem foolish to us to thank God for something as inconsiquential as a pair of playschool roller blades, but my daughter has the right idea.

God has given us everything we have from the most valuable (our friends and family) to the most minor (the bedroom door).  She's even thankful for the things i wish i didn't have (my belly), but shouldn't i be thankful for that belly i wish would disappear? I have enough to sustain me that i wound up with a belly in the first place. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose
~ Romans 8:28
At three years old she is my reminder that we need to be thankful for EVERYTHING, no matter how big or small.