Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day -- Now let me whip you!

I remember being in school and loving party days... I wonder if my teacher's hated them as much as i do?

The kids are always so wound.

so far today one kid took off his belt and hit another kid with it

and one of the girls in my class was pretending to be a dog and pretended to lift her leg and pee on another child.

her defense "i didn't actually pee on her"


lunch is almost over for me, so when i get back we'll be preping for our party.  They're all ready wound, now lets given them sugar... have fun tonight parents.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Sick Child -- A Whole New Hell

Everyone kept warning me of the terrible two's.  My grandmother keeps saying 36 months till about 3 years old will be the most trying time as a parent.  And it's true, it is like one day a switch was flipped and my little bundle of joy caused in me a bundle of nerves.

Tantrums, pushing the boundries, finding her stubborn voice of this world,  i can handle all of that no matter how stressed out it might make me.

What I can't stand is when my baby girl is sick...

This has been one of the roughest weeks I've had with her in a while.

Monday evening she spiked a fever, nothing severe 100.1.  She still had it the next morning.  I gave her some ibuprofin and took her to school.  She got sick at school, we came home early.

She seemed to rebound, we had dinner, she brought it up and her fever spiked again.  Wednesday her fever wasn't going down even with Tylonal so i took her to the doctor.

He said it was an infection and prescribed her Augmentin. She got sick again after she ate that night.  Fever still wasn't going down.

Stayed home thursday (yesterday) with her.  Fever went away, she seemed to be doing much better.  Then evening came.  She refused to eat and fell asleep.  She woke up and was shivering.  Her lips were purple, and even with 4 blankets on her she wasn't warming up.  Only to find out her fever had spiked again.  now at 102 she was having massive chills.  I had called the on call number for her doctors office and they told me to put her in a warm bath to help her feel better.

After her bath she asked for some juice. I gave her apple juice.  she drank some and brought it up (she hadn't eaten much at all that day).  I cleaned it up and gave her a little more juice. she brought that up too.

at 9pm last night i took my daughter to the ER.  While feeling so sick she still manages to have a sense of humor.

We get to the ER and i get out of the car and as i do i hear Alayna go "mommy take me with you".  "I'm not going to leave you Alayna, you're the reason we're here"  She goes "I know".

We get to intake and they go to take their vitals, and she won't take the oral thermometer.  We had to have it checked rectally.  I was expecting a fight but she didn't.  When they got done she was less than thrilled.  Temp was 102.5

They gave her some zofran for the nausia, some tylonal AND motrin for the fever.  waited and gave her some juice.  She kept it down, i took her home. Before we left they did her vitals again.  This included the rectal temperature check.  Alayna does well again with it, when the nurse got done, Alayna looked at me with the most pathetic look and goes "mommy my butt!"

 Dad took her prescription to walgreens to get it filled so we had it for this morning.

Alayna wanted to eat when we got home. she went to sleep.  I couldn't wind down...

I HATE it when she is sick.  I am powerless.  I can fight off most any other threat to my child, but when she's sick, all i can do is reassure her she'll be okay and pray. I trust prayer, but when she's so miserable I feel like i should be doing more, when there is nothing more i can do.

She's eating today.  Slowly and not much at any one time, but she is eating, the zofran is doing it's job, i'm to rotate giving her tylonal and motrin every 3 hours today and if the antibiotics aren't doing their job by tonight it's back to the doctor tomorrow.

I'll take the terrible two's any day.  There is nothing worse than a sick child!