Friday, December 23, 2011

Flying with Soldiers

Everyone has see them as they go through the airports.  The soldiers, going home, leaving to their new assignment.  If you're lucky you get to talk with them, you get to thank them for what they're doing.

Alayna and I got to fly with them last night.  There was about 5 of them on our plane, only two of which i really got to talk to.  The one never gave his name, the other one gave two different names (he was probably too drunk to know what his own name was, he struggled with the names of everyone around him).

One of the 5 sat way in the back, wisely away from the three that sat near me.  One of those three fell asleep.  The 5th one sat about 6 rows infront of me.  He didn't talk much, he was too busy making out with the girl he'd met while boarding the plane.

It was to say, one of the more amusing flights i have ever been on.  The two soldiers and another 4 of us talked and joked around.  I've never laughed so hard on plane ride before.  The down side to riding with these soldiers was that they kept forget there was a young child there and well lets just say it'll be "fun" if Alayna uses any of their words at church or anywhere else for that matter.

So to those soldiers -- Thank You!  For what you do for our country and for the most entertaining flight i've ever been on.