Friday, July 22, 2011

Thank you to ALL who helped that poor dog

Last night a beautiful orange, white and brown, walker hound showed up in our backyard.
He was a friendly dog with a cheerful disposition.  But one look at him and you could tell he'd had a hard life.  He was skin and bones, like some horror story they show you on TV, he was dirty, had fleas and was missing an eye.

When my step mom went outside to give him a bit of food and some water, he waged his tail, if he could have, he would have smiled.

We called animal control, they won't pick them up unless they're vicious.  We posted stuff on facebook to find someone who might know someone who rescues dogs in distress.  I even called my pastor but he didn't know what else to do.

My brother's girlfriend refused to give up on this dog and she got my bother Tyler to make a series of phone calls our local SPCA and our local Sheriffs office.

They said they don't rescue strays but if the animal is vicious or in distress they'd come and get it.  Tyler discribed the dog to them and they said they'd pick it up.

While waiting for them to come get the dog, my brother's girlfriend, Kenley, made a call to the ASPCA, who said that once the dog was picked up they would send money for his vet bill.
According to the SPCA the dog is at the vet  getting repaired (eye stitched up) and looked over, and we will find out more later this evening.

Thank you to everyone who has helped this sweet, but abused dog.