Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wal~Mart Never Ceases to Surprise Me

I thought I'd heard EVERYTHING during the 3 years I worked at Wal~Mart.  I was wrong.  Tonight took the cake.

I'd made a quick stop for some cold medicine (for myself) and for what i'll need for Alayna's and my classes Valentine's Day Party.  While picking out a gift for Alayna's teacher i knocked something off the shelf and was afraid it was going to break so i put my leg out to let it hit and roll down.  To my amazement it worked.

This guy in the isle with me picked it up.  I said "i work so hard to keep her from grabbing stuff off the shelves and then I go and knock something off".  He chuckled and said he had six kids. Of course my reaction was "wow".  He goes asked how old Alayna was and I told him.  He then told me he had two girls and two sets of twin boys.

He continues by saying that his twin sons were all roughly the same age.  His wife and her best friend were pregnant at the same time, and then added "but that was their fault". I'm done shopping now, have a nice day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training - Day 2

Day 1 was not that bad.  Alayna went potty in the potty,  she was dry all morning. Wet during nap and even pooped in the potty in the afternoon.

Day 2 has not been as successful.  Alayna told me AFTER she pooped in her panties today, but she did pee in the potty late this morning.

Alayna is only almost 18months old, but i knwo i need to set high expectations for her, she'll only achieve was i expect of her, so if i think she'll fail at it at this time then that's what she'll do.

I know my big girl can go potty like a big girl, but it is nothing shy of an adventure.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Round and Round I Go

I'm about to go crazy....

When i moved to Louisiana from Pennsylvania i tried to get my registration transfered over, then i didn't have the money to do it so i put it off.

the reason i didn't do it when i had the money at first was because i was missing a piece of paper.  The piece of paper that says i paid my initial sales tax on my vehicle when i registered it in the first place.

When i bought my car, i lived in PA, but i bought my car in OH, and then registered it and paid the taxes in PA.  so purchase paperwork and sales tax paperwork were not together.  I can't find my sales tax paper.

I emailed the Pennsylvania department of transportation (PennDOT),  they are bound by law to not disclose sale tax information so i was redirected to the department of revenue.  Who told me i need to contact penndot.  AAAAHHHHHH

I explained to the nice, clueless,woman that they said they were NOT ALLOWED to help me, and that they (penndot) had given me their information.  So she transfered me to an agent. and I left a message on his voicemail....

He called me back "i'm not sure why they directed you to me... I deal with estate taxes and wills... but here is the number to the department of motor vehicle sales tax"

REALLY?!?  It took three people before they figured out that THAT might be who i need to contact?  i would think PennDOT would know of the existance of that department, thankfully the man at the department of revenue in the office of estate taxes knew that my question regarding proof of my motor vehicle sales tax paid should be directed to the department of motor vehicle sales tax... WOW what a concept!!!

At least i have a direction to go in now